Are you looking after a partner, friend, adult child or other relative over 18 who needs support because of frailty, disability, a health condition, mental health or substance misuse? Is this care unpaid? If this sounds like you, then you are a carer.
Caring can take its toll mentally and physically, affecting your health, finances, relationships and many other aspects of your life. But we can help you manage your caring role and find time for you.
The Hampshire Carers Support Service is here to help you. Our services are free and confidential.

- Complex and specific advice
- Supporting carers on an individual level with multiple issues
- Form filling
- Support in a challenging caring role
- Accessing relevant services
- Empowering carers
- Complex and specific advice
- Supporting carers on an individual level with multiple issues
- Form filling
- Support in a challenging caring role
- Accessing relevant services
- Empowering carers

Are you concerned what will happen to someone who needs your help due to a health condition, disability or frailty should an emergency arise? We can help you.
Our dedicated team will provide you with support to discuss, develop and implement a contingency and emergency plan, drawing on your local support networks of friends, family and neighbours. Giving you peace of mind and the ability to choose who should be involved in your loved ones care.
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire is part of a network of 130 Carer Centres in the UK. The network is co-ordinated by The Carers Trust (formally PRTC).
The Princess is actively involved with the Centres and attends functions to help with fundraising as well as conferences and educational events. She has visited us in Winchester on several occasions.
Each centre is an independent registered charity established with help from the Trust and funded by local authorities, social services, primary care trusts and other organisations.
Winchester City Councillor Susan Glasspool set up the Winchester and Andover Carer Centre in 1994 when she was Mayor of Winchester, using the proceeds of her Mayor’s Charity Appeal. Cllr Glasspool was Chair of the organisation for six years and remains a Director today.
We are governed by a voluntary Board of Directors, some of whom are or were carers. The Board meet bi-monthly and has responsibility for finance and strategy, although the day-to-day running of the Centre is the responsibility of the Chief Executive.
The Trust provides the Hampshire Carers Support Service countywide (exclud. Portsmouth and Southampton) which is commissioned by Hampshire County Council.
We are a specialist Carer organisation who have been operating in Hampshire for over 30 years and have consistently provided support for carers in that time.
The work we do is varied and is tailored to the needs of each individual carer. Our focus is on giving carers accurate and up-to-date information on anything from disability aids to benefits claims as well as emotional support. We also run special support groups, act as carers’ advocates, liaise with Social Services, GPs, hospitals and the Benefits Agency amongst others and offer free counselling to carers by way of qualified voluntary counsellors.