We’re here to help unpaid carers, with free information, support, advice, contingency and emergency planning, resources and more.
With the increased cost of living, everyday food and keeping warm can be an additional worry that unpaid carers could do without. The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire are working with Hampshire County Council to distribute supermarket vouchers and grants to carers across our region, to help ease the load.
Supermarket vouchers or a grant for household items continues to be available for carers living in Hampshire or caring for someone living in Hampshire (not available in Southampton or Portsmouth).
Funding is available until 31st March 2025 unless it is spent before then.
Funding is also available from Carers Together. Please note you can only apply to one of the two organisations for funding.

We are delighted to announce that alongside SGN Energy we will be facilitating 10 Home and Well Hubs in locations across Hampshire every month for the next 2 years.
Working in partnership SGN and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers will bring together a large network of local community partners to proactively support carers with tailored support services across Hampshire that help to tackle fuel poverty and introduce energy safeguards that help those most vulnerable maintain a safe and warm home.
This strategy was published on 26th February 2024 by Hampshire Carers Partnership after consultation between carers and several organisations that work with carers. It includes a revised Hampshire Carers Charter with principles for use by any organisation that supports carers.
If any organisation that supports carers would like to adopt the Strategy or the Charter or become a member of Hampshire Carers Partnership please contact us.
Read our charter to learn more about our principles and commitment to you